SCDC Winter Social-Wednesday December 16th, 5-7
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
TriTown Democrats Meeting Reminder: Dec 10th 7 PM New Durham Library
TriTown Democrats Meeting Reminder: Dec 10th 7 PM New Durham Library Guest Speaker-Kat Rogers the Regional Organizing Director for Hillary 4 NH will be speaking with us.
Call to Order
Guest Speaker-Kat Rogers the regional organizing director for Hillary 4 NH
Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Digital and Social Media Report
Old Business:
Honors Dinner Committee
Letter Writing Committee
New Business:
Other Business & Events
Co-sponsored by Occupy Seacoast
Friday, December 11, and/or Saturday, December 12, at 7:00 PM in the Farmington Town Hall (Recreation Department), for the Farmington Town Player's Christmas Spectacular. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Admission is $8, but will be reduced to $5 if you bring a new toy to donate to the Farmington Fire Department's Holiday Toy Drive.
Please join Dover Dems Friday Dec 11th 6-9 for our 2015 Holiday Potluck, featuring our Executive Councilor and gubernatorial candidate Colin Van Ostern. Please bring your favorite entrée, salad, or dessert to share, and RSVP to Walter King ( and let us know how many attend and what you will bring. Farmwood Village Clubhouse, 13 Brookmoor Road, Dover NH
The SCDC Winter Social will be held Wednesday December 16 at the Governor's Inn, Rochester from 5 to 7PM. There will be a cash bar and hors d'oeuvres. No entrance fee. Donations accepted.
Black Lives Matter!Occupy New Hampshire SeacoastTuesday, December 22at 5:30pm - 6:30pm Market Square Portsmouth, NH
local action,
local news,
meeting minutes,
thinking local
No Hate! No Fear! No War! Dec 10th Be A Voice For Peace! Be A Voice For Justice!
Donald Trump will speak in Portsmouth this Thursday evening.
Stand up against hateful rhetoric.
Be a voice of support to immigrants, refugees, Muslims and people of color in our community.
Be a voice for peace. Be a voice for justice.
Stand up against hateful rhetoric.
Be a voice of support to immigrants, refugees, Muslims and people of color in our community.
Be a voice for peace. Be a voice for justice.
WHERE: Sheraton Hotel, 250 Market St., Portsmouth NH
WHEN: 4:30 PM Thursday, December 10
Join us in affirming the following messages:
Co-sponsored by Occupy Seacoast
WHERE: Sheraton Hotel, 250 Market St., Portsmouth NH
WHEN: 4:30 PM Thursday, December 10
Join us in affirming the following messages:
Co-sponsored by Occupy Seacoast
human dignity,
human rights,
local action,
local news,
Occupy Together,
people of color,
thinking local
Dover Democratic Committee Holiday Potluck Dinner December 11th, 6-9 PM
Dover Democratic Committee Holiday Potluck Dinner Dec 11th, 6-9PM
Farmwood Village Clubhouse, 13 Brookmoor Road, Dover NH
Please join us for our 2015 Holiday Potluck, featuring
our Executive Councilor and gubernatorial candidate Colin Van Ostern.
Please bring your favorite entrée, salad, or dessert to share, and RSVP
to Walter King ( and let us know how many attend and
what you will bring.
local news,
SCDC Meeting Wed, November 18th At 7pm, Durham Public Library
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
SCDC members in all Strafford County are invited to attend a meeting
of the Strafford County Democratic Committee to be held on Wed, November
18th at 7:00 pm at the Durham Public Library
They will be electing a new member-at-large for the SCDC Executive Committee and discussing the selection process for delegates to attend upcoming National Democratic Party Convention
This is an important meeting, so please come and encourage others to join you.
They will be electing a new member-at-large for the SCDC Executive Committee and discussing the selection process for delegates to attend upcoming National Democratic Party Convention
This is an important meeting, so please come and encourage others to join you.
You are invited to attend a meeting
of the
Strafford County Democratic Committee
to be held on
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
at 7:00 pm
at the Durham Public Library
We will be electing a new member-at-large
for the SCDC Executive Committee
and discussing the selection
process for delegates to attend
National Democratic Party Convention
This is an important meeting, so please come
and encourage others to join you.
Tri Town Democrats Meeting Thursday, November 12th At 7PM Emma Ramsey Center, Milton
Hi folks,
time for our November meeting! The Tri Town Democrats will meet on
Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 PM at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton.
We will have a guest from the Martin O'Malley Campaign, Sam Taylor.
Attached are the draft minutes from our October Meeting. Agenda
Call to Order
Secretary's Report
Treasurer's Report
Digital and Social Media Report
Old Business
- Honors Dinner Committee
- Letter Writing Committee
- SCDC Meeting
- Elections
- Other Business
Upcoming Events
- November 18th 6:30 PM · Plymouth Senior Center 8 Depot St, Plymouth, NH 03264 by Jackie for NH: Rep. Jackie Cilley to address Plymouth Area Democrats about her efforts to raise New Hampshire's wage floor
- Important Strafford County Democratic Committee meeting on November 18th, at 7:00PM, at the Durham Public Library. The 2 primary agenda items are the election of a 11th EC member and the presentation by NHDP on the Delegate selection process for the Democratic National Convention, in Philadelphia next year. Both are important so please attend and encourage your committee members to as well.
- Black Lives Matter Vigil! November 20th Fri 6 PM · Market Square Portsmouth, NH: The message of the vigil is that we no longer accept the systematic abuse of people of color, and that the militarized police forces racial profiling, and pattern of excessive force by police are unacceptable, as is all institutionalized inequality.Please join us, get involved and show that humanity is better than this and that there will be change.Presented by Occupy NH Seacoast. Occupy NH Seacoast is a local group working to promote social and economic equality worldwide.
Our next scheduled meeting will be on December 10, at 7:00 PM at the New Durham Library in New Durham.
Black Lives Matter,
local action,
thinking local,
Tri Town Dems,
Save The Date! Strafford County Democratic Committee Fall Fundraiser, Oct 4th 6-9
Friday, September 4, 2015
The Fall Fundraiser for the Strafford County
Democratic Committee is scheduled to be hosted at the Governors Inn in
Rochester. Please mark your calendars, Speakers are still to be
determined but it should be a great evening!
In Addition to speakers we will also be raising funds by auctioning off Gift baskets which will be provided by each Town Committee.
If you know of anyone that would like to Sponsor the event or to buy a full or half page advertisement in the Program please contact us here.
In Addition to speakers we will also be raising funds by auctioning off Gift baskets which will be provided by each Town Committee.
If you know of anyone that would like to Sponsor the event or to buy a full or half page advertisement in the Program please contact us here.
78 Wakefield St, Rochester, New Hampshire 03867
NHDP State Convention September 19th At The Verizon Arena
Sunday, August 16, 2015
NHDP State Convention
Verizon Wireless Arena
Verizon Wireless Arena
555 Elm Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (EDT)
Manchester, NH 03101
Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (EDT)
TriTown Dems To Host Bill Duncan From NH Board Of Education Sept 10th
Saturday, August 15, 2015
TriTown Democrats to Host Bill Duncan from the New Hampshire State Board of Education on September 10, 2015.
New Durham, New Hampshire - August 24, 2015
- The TriTown Democrats, representing the Democratic Committees of
Farmington, Milton, and New Durham, is proud to host Bill Duncan, member
of the NH State Board of Education, to give a talk on the state of
Education in New Hampshire. The event will take place at 7:00 PM on
September 10 at the New Durham Library, 2 Old Bay Rd, New Durham.
State Board of Education (SBE) is a seven-member body whose members
serve without pay except for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the
performance of their duties. Members cannot be technical educators or
professionally engaged in school work. Members are appointed by the
governor and executive council. Five are selected, one each, from the
five executive councilor districts and two are selected from the public
at large. Except when appointed to fill the unexpired term of a previous
member, members serve for a five-year term and may serve up to two
consecutive terms. The Board must hold at least six regular meetings a
Bill Duncan is a retired technology entrepreneur and the founder of Advancing New Hampshire Public Education (,
dedicated to advocating for public education in the State. Born in
Boston, he graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and served in Vietnam
as an advisor to the Vietnamese Navy before starting a business and
nonprofit career. He founded, and for 12 years led, the Mountain
Association for Community Economic Development, a leading economic
development organization creating jobs and housing for low-income
families in Central Appalachia. In that role, he organized 100 Eastern
Kentucky banks to provide subsidized financing housing for low-income
families in Central Appalachia and founded Forward in the Fifth, the
first education advocacy organization dedicated to building common
ground among parents, administrators and teachers in hard-pressed
mountain schools. Mr. Duncan moved to New Hampshire in 1986 and resides
in New Castle.
TriTown Democratic Committee advocates for strong local support of our
communities, and supports legislation and candidates that are community
minded. Their activities provide political, economic, and social
information for the citizens of the three towns, but also encourages
progressive movements in these areas at all levels of government.
Through community involvement, political action, and a shared vision,
the group seeks to expand equity and opportunity for all residents of
the Towns of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham.
Contact: Stan Freeda, Secretary
TriTown Democratic Committee
Tell Cataldo -Support SEA Workers Aug 18th Rochester Library
Tell Sam Cataldo -Support SEA Workers- Tues Aug 18th Rochester Library 5-6PM
Senator Cataldo needs to hear from his constituents. You are being
invited because your voice is important to this conversation and you
live in Senator Cataldo's district. Please plan to attend – have a
conversation with Senator Cataldo and help us to persuade him to fund
SEA contracts.
What: Meeting with Senator Cataldo regarding the funding of the State Employees’ contract (Executive Branch, although Judicial Branch employees should understand that the COLA adjustment and health benefits are part of the Judicial Branch contract as well.)
Where: Rochester Public Library, Community Room, 65 South Main Street
When: Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
This is a great opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with your senator and to let him know how you feel about the state budget and the funding for SEA contracts. We believe that if Senator Cataldo hears from you next Tuesday it will make a significant impact on his decision.
What: Meeting with Senator Cataldo regarding the funding of the State Employees’ contract (Executive Branch, although Judicial Branch employees should understand that the COLA adjustment and health benefits are part of the Judicial Branch contract as well.)
Where: Rochester Public Library, Community Room, 65 South Main Street
When: Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
This is a great opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with your senator and to let him know how you feel about the state budget and the funding for SEA contracts. We believe that if Senator Cataldo hears from you next Tuesday it will make a significant impact on his decision.
local action,
state employees,
thinking local,
working families
Strafford County Democratic Picnic-August 9th, 1-4, Rollinsford
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The new flyer 4 the annual @SCDCNHDems Aug 9th picnic in Rollinsford. Share & spread the word!
It's time again for the annual Strafford County Picnic. This year we are being hosted by Ken and Salme Perry at 380 Rollins Rd., Rollinsford on Sunday, August 9th from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM.
NH's First in the Nation Primary status has NH humming with activity! We're already being inundated with presidential candidates and the Democratic candidates for president have all been invited! We've also invited the top of the NH Ticket and of course we can count on our local politicians, candidates and characters to be there!
This is going to be a
great opportunity to catch up with old democratic friends and meet new
ones. Mingle and meet while enjoying delicious locally sourced organic
burgers and hot dogs, homemade salads and desserts. Catch up with what
other county Democrats are doing and get to hear firsthand where your
candidates stand on the issues.
You can count on every cent of the proceeds going to elect Strafford County Democratic Candidates! Every election is important but this election could be the pivotal event determining where our country goes and what values are represented.
We'll also be having 50/50 raffles so make sure you bring cash and make sure you get your tickets early!
Tickets are only $20 per person, $15 for Students and $5 for kids under 12.
The preferred payment methods is by check which can be mailed to; Strafford County Democratic Committee, PO Box 247, Dover NH 03821.
You can also pay online at:…/2015straffordcountydemocraticp…
Sponsor the picnic for just $100 or whatever you would like to donate. Sponsors will be posted on our appreciation board at the picnic, be posted on the Strafford County Democratic Committee website and sent to our email list. Sponsorships over $100 include 2 tickets. If you know of anyone that you think would be a sponsor please let us know!
Attendance is limited to the first 250 so be sure to get your tickets in advance.
Ticket Sales will not be accepted online or thru the mail after August 1. Tickets will be sold at the gate depending on availability.
You can count on every cent of the proceeds going to elect Strafford County Democratic Candidates! Every election is important but this election could be the pivotal event determining where our country goes and what values are represented.
We'll also be having 50/50 raffles so make sure you bring cash and make sure you get your tickets early!
Tickets are only $20 per person, $15 for Students and $5 for kids under 12.
The preferred payment methods is by check which can be mailed to; Strafford County Democratic Committee, PO Box 247, Dover NH 03821.
You can also pay online at:…/2015straffordcountydemocraticp…
Sponsor the picnic for just $100 or whatever you would like to donate. Sponsors will be posted on our appreciation board at the picnic, be posted on the Strafford County Democratic Committee website and sent to our email list. Sponsorships over $100 include 2 tickets. If you know of anyone that you think would be a sponsor please let us know!
Attendance is limited to the first 250 so be sure to get your tickets in advance.
Ticket Sales will not be accepted online or thru the mail after August 1. Tickets will be sold at the gate depending on availability.
Save The Date- Next Tri-Town Democrats Meeting-Aug 13th, 7PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
TriTown Democrats to Host Representatives from Bernie 2016 and O’Malley for President Campaigns at August 13 Meeting
Farmington, New Hampshire - July 20, 2015 - The TriTown Democrats, representing the Democratic Committees of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham, will be hosting Alex Cronheim, from Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign ( and John Tackeff from Martin O’Malley’s presidential Campaign ( at their August 13 Meeting. As always, the public is invited to attend, meet the representatives from the presidential candidate campaigns, and ask any questions they might have. The event will take place at 7:00 PM on August 13 at the Emma Ramsey Center, 424 White Mountain Highway, Milton.
Alex Cronheim is the NH Congressional District 1 representative from Bernie 2016, the official presidential campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. He is a New Hampshire native from Portsmouth and attended the University of Chicago after graduating from Phillips Exeter Academy.
John Tackeff is the Regional Field Director for O'Malley for President, the official campaign of former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. He is from Rye Beach, but spent time in Fairfax, Virginia. He has been associated with the Democratic Parties of Virginia and New Hampshire in the past.
The TriTown Democratic Committee advocates for strong local support of our communities, and supports legislation and candidates that are community minded. Their activities provide political, economic, and social information for the citizens of the three towns, but also encourages progressive movements in these areas at all levels of government. Through community involvement, political action, and a shared vision, the group seeks to expand equity and opportunity for all residents of the Towns of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham. For more information about the Farmington Democratic Committee, visit For more information about the Milton Democratic Committee, visit For more information about the New Durham Democratic Committee, visit
Contact: Stan Freeda, Secretary
TriTown Democratic Committee
Guinta To Only Hold Town Halls That Protect Him-No 'Political' Questions Allowed
Frank Guinta will only hold town halls at places that protect him and don't allow 'political' questions. #DamnedLiar #GuintaResignWatch…/no-political-questions-allow…/34264432…/no-political-questions-allow…/34264432
Moose Mountain Area Dems Event-Sat July 18th, 4-7
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Moose Mountain Area Democrats
Daylilies & Democrats
July 18th, 4-7 PM
195 Governor's Road
Brookefield, NH
Buffet - Beverages - Blooms
$10 donation. Donations help to fund Moose Mountain Dems Project
A great opportunity to meet and talk with independent thinkers.
Call Penny for more info 603-522-3713
or e-mail
Tri-Town Dems Hosting Jeff McLynch From NH Fiscal Policy Institute-Thursday, July 9th,7PM
Monday, June 22, 2015
TriTown Democrats to Host Jeff McLynch from the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute on July 9, 2015.
Farmington, New Hampshire - June 22, 2015
- The TriTown Democrats, representing the Democratic Committees of
Farmington, Milton, and New Durham, is proud to host Jeff McLynch, the
executive director from the NH Fiscal Policy Institute, to give a talk
on the NH State Budget process. The event will take place at 7:00 PM on
July 9 at the Emma Ramsey Center, 424 White Mountain Highway, Milton.
New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute (NHFPI) is an independent
nonprofit organization dedicated to exploring, developing, and promoting
public policies that foster economic opportunity and prosperity for all
New Hampshire residents. Their emphasis is on low- and moderate-income
families and individuals. The Institute, based in Concord, produces
regular reports on the fiscal and economic challenges facing New
Hampshire and serves as a resource to anyone interested in meeting those
challenges in a fair and sound fashion. NHFPI aims to illustrate
recent budget trends, highlight future challenges, and examine the ways
in which the New Hampshire budget is used to educate the state’s
children, ensure access to health care, promote public safety, maintain
public structures, and achieve other critical public priorities. In
its efforts to promote equitable, responsible, and sustainable fiscal
and economic policies, NHFPI collaborates with two national networks of
state-level policy research organizations, the State Priorities
Partnership (SPP) and the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN).
McLynch. the NHFPI Executive Director, manages the organization’s daily
operations and oversees its research, communications, and outreach
efforts. He previously served as the State Policy Director at the
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, where he helped coordinate
its efforts to provide policymakers and the public with accurate and
timely information on tax systems across the U.S. Jeff also served as
the Deputy Director of the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center and on
the professional staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee
on Ways and Means. He holds a Masters of Public Policy from Georgetown
TriTown Democratic Committee advocates for strong local support of our
communities, and supports legislation and candidates that are community
minded. Their activities provide political, economic, and social
information for the citizens of the three towns, but also encourages
progressive movements in these areas at all levels of government.
Through community involvement, political action, and a shared vision,
the group seeks to expand equity and opportunity for all residents of
the Towns of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham.
Contact: Stan Freeda, Secretary
TriTown Democratic Committee
Calling All Dems! Dover Democrats Announces Pot Luck Picnic, June 16th
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
The Dover Democrats
invite you to attend a Potluck Picnic
at Caroline French's home,
23 Boston Harbor Road, Dover, NH
at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 16, 2015.
Bring food to share
(and something to drink).
Prepare to have fun!!!
invite you to attend a Potluck Picnic
at Caroline French's home,
23 Boston Harbor Road, Dover, NH
at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 16, 2015.
Bring food to share
(and something to drink).
Prepare to have fun!!!
Visit the Dover Dems at:
Dover Dems,
local news,
Strafford County,
thinking local
Strafford County Democratic Committee Biennial Caucus-June 17th, 7pm
Calling All Democrats!
If you are a Strafford County resident and a registered Democrat,
we invite you to join us at the
Durham Public Library (upstairs conference room)
on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm
for our biennial caucus to elect the
Executive Committee of the
Strafford Democrats Hosting 1st Annual Flag Day Picnic-June 14th
From the Strafford Democrats:
We have also provided more information below for
convenience in ordering tickets and a link to the Kitz Farm website.
When we visited there today to install a sign announcing this event on
the 14th, George Kitz was cutting his fields for hay production. One of
the most beautiful locations in town and maybe beyond. You can decide
by clicking on the link.
Our own Chaz Proulz
will provide the musical entertainment, including a song he wrote years
ago about Guinta's $355,000.00 legal problem. Chaz will likely be
joined by two additional musicians to accompany him.
Hope the additional information below is helpful and you will support this - hopefully - first annual Flag Day Picnic.
Visit the Kitz farm at:
ordering tickets through Act Blue:
Vsit the Strafford Dems at:
Starfford Dems,
Strafford County
NH Progressive Summit 2015-June 27th, Hennicker, NH
2015 NH Progressive Summit
Saturday, June 27th
New England College in Henniker, NH
Click to Register
Granite State progressives proudly stand together to advance the American values of equal opportunity and mutual responsibility, effective government, and the hope for a stronger, better future for all of us. This annual event provides space for new and existing activists to come together and hear from inspiring keynote speakers, as we collectively learn, train, and mobilize for the many issue and electoral challenges and opportunities we face together.
Last year’s NH Progressive Summit theme was “Building the Progressive Movement.” This year, the theme is “Investing in Our Future.” What are the steps we can take today to create a better future for all Granite Staters tomorrow? How do we organize for short-term success while communicating broader progressive values for the long-term? Whether it’s advancing pro-active legislation at the state and federal level, guarding against conservative rhetoric, or challenging corporate political corruption of our legislative and electoral process – the 2015 NH Progressive Summit will highlight the investments we can make today to build a better future.
Climate Change On The Agenda For Tri-Town Democrats June 11th Meeting
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Climate Change on the Agenda for TriTown Democrats
The New Durham Democratic Committee will host the June 11th
meeting of the TriTown Democrats at the New Durham Public Library. The meeting
will begin at 7 p.m. with a presentation by David Hughes, Seacoast Field
Director for NextGen Climate NH. NextGen Climate NH is a non-profit,
non-partisan organization dedicated to fighting climate change and promoting
renewable energy and sustainability in New Hampshire. He will speak about what
the organization is trying to accomplish this election season, including
helping voters to take political action by writing letters to the editor and
asking candidates tough questions about climate change.
Anyone interested in learning about the impacts of climate
change on New Hampshire’s ecosystems and economy is encouraged to attend.
Tri-Town Dems Meeting- Thursday May 14th 7PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Tri-Town Dems Meeting
Thursday, May 14th 7PM
Emma Ramsey Center
Thursday, May 14th 7PM
Emma Ramsey Center
Local Dems don't forget about our meeting tomorrow. We have much to
discuss. We have a speaker, the Tri-Dem election will happen, we'll discuss the success of the May Honors Dinner, and start to think about other local advocacy
guest speaker,
local news,
New Hampshire,
thinking local,
Tri Town Dems
2015 Tri Town Dems Honors Dinner Videos And Photos
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The Tri Town Dems 2015 Honors Dinner was a great success, once again. The following are the pre-recorded videos we played at the dinner. Each honoree spoke about their community & community service in general terms. We have longer versions of the videos that we will release in a couple of weeks. We hope you enjoy the videos and the important sentiments each honoree imparted. Following the videos are the photos we've collected so far.
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
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Photo by Susann Foster Brown |
Tri Town Dems Honors Dinner Tonight-Program, Sponsors, Info
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Tri Town Democrats Honors Dinner
Farmington, New Hampshire - February 15, 2015
- The TriTown Democrats, representing the Democratic Committees of
Farmington, Milton, and New Durham, are hosting their second annual
TriTown Honors Dinner on May 2, 2015. The gala event will begin at 6:00
PM on May 2, 2015 in the Farmington Recreation Center, 531 Main Street.
year, the TriTown Democratic Committee decided to host a TriTown Honors
Dinner in order to spotlight some of the amazing folks who live in our
communities The honorees dedicate their energies and efforts to make
our communities better places to live, work, and raise families. The
first honorees of the awards were Ron Chagnon of Farmington and Leo
Lessard of Milton. Both men served our communities well by holding
local, county and state offices. After the success of that first
dinner, the committee decided to make the TriTown Honors Dinner an
annual event that would recognize a member of each community for the
good work that individual has done to enrich the quality of life in our
towns and surrounding communities. While the TriTown committee
represents a loose organization of three Democratic Town Committees, the
TriTown Dinner is a non-political event, and the honorees are selected
for their philanthropic work and community service, not for their
political affiliation. Everyone is welcome and invited to attend the
dinner. The buffet meal will include, vegetarian lasagna, baked chicken
breast, and roast beef, with scalloped potatoes, and side vegetable
choices. Salad and dessert are included.
honors for this second annual event will go to three very deserving and
well known community members. The Farmington Committee selected Dottie
Bean to receive the second Honors Award for Farmington. The Milton
Committee selected to honor Victor Joos for his contributions and the
New Durham Committee will honor Cathy Allyn for her continuous work to
support the New Durham community.
for the event are $25.00 per person, with the bring a friend cost of
two for $45.00. You can reserve your tickets online at,
or by sending your reservation check to TriTown Honors Dinner, PO Box
637, Farmington, NH 03835. Please include your email address, the
number of tickets you want to reserve, and your choice of sponsorship,
if applicable. Indicate whether you will mail a check or pay at the
door. We will email you a confirmation and tell you your ticket number.
Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door. The committee asks
that your reserve your tickets by April 17th, but they will continue to
accept reservations afterward.
Donor sponsorships for the event are also available. Sponsorships
must be ordered in advance by the April 17th deadline in order to
accommodate printing of the program. There are three levels of optional
event sponsorship:
Name/Logo in the program: add $5.00
Name/Logo in the program and also posted on the website event page: add $10.00
Name/Logo in the program, on the website event page, and in the credits of the event video: add $15.00
TriTown Democratic Committee is the representative body for all
registered Democrats in the Towns of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham,
NH, all of whom make up its membership. The TriTown Committee
advocates for strong local support of our communities, and supports
legislation and candidates that are community minded. Our online and
local presence not only provides political, economic, and social
information for the citizens of the three towns, but also encourages
progressive movements in these areas at all levels of government.
Through community involvement, political action, and a shared vision, we
seek to expand equity and opportunity for all residents of the Towns of
Farmington, Milton, and New Durham. We firmly believe that equity of
opportunity can only be achieved through progressive change that will
advance our society towards shared values that promote understanding,
education, acceptance, and equality.
Contact: Stan Freeda, Secretary
Farmington Democratic Committee
Organizers/Donations Needed-SCDC Yard Sale-Saturday May 9th, 10-2
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Dear Strafford County Democrat:
1. Please find a large cardboard box, one that is sturdy and will hold a lot of things.
As you go around your house, your shed, your barn, your garage etc.,
put things in the box that are interesting, in good condition and useful
to someone.... but not you.
Specifically these things can be new, elderly or antique. They can be
tools, dishes, collectible items, jewelry, fancy hats, kitchen
appliances and utensils, books, office supplies etc.
Think about putting small pieces of furniture like small tables,
interesting chairs, lamps (floor and table), paintings and prints,
picture frames, art, umbrella stands, fancy flower pots, lacy linens
next to the box which is getting quite full by now.
On or about May 1, bring what you have collected, old snowshoes, useful
athletic equipment, lawn furniture to 23 Boston Harbor Rd., Dover Point
NH to Caroline French's house, the site of the yard sale. This yard
sale will benefit the Strafford County Democratic Committee — their projects, our candidates and your goals.
Come back and spend a few hours helping Caroline sort and price things May 1-8. PLEASE join the yard sale committee as a lead organizer…email Caroline below. If you have any sheets of old computer labels, please bring them for price stickers.
Things not to bring:
- Leftovers from your own yard sale
- Things that are broken and beyond repair
- Clothes, except for shoes that are almost new and things like leather aviator jackets. New straw hats that you bought and thought you liked but don't would also work. The same goes for small luggage, purses, baskets and the like.
on Saturday, May 9, come back and help us run the best new yard sale
ever in Strafford County. We will have a grill and hotdogs. Sign on to
bring chips, ice cream sandwiches and peanuts in the shell. This sale
will run from 10 to 2 and a rope will be across the end of the driveway
and there will be no early birds no matter what.
- We also need worker bees after the sale at 2pm to help clean up and haul away. Our goal is to make enough money to help elect Democrats throughout all Strafford County in 2016!
Thanks ahead of time for helping to make this important fundraiser and recycling event successful.
Strafford County Democratic Committee Ex Com,
Ann, Susan, Lorraine, Bill, Dennis, Paul, Gene, Mike, Elise, Caroline
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