Tri Town Dems Meeting December 8th, 7PM in New Durham


Our next scheduled meeting will be on December 8th, at 7:00 PM in New Durham at the New Durham Library. Brian Hawkins, head of government relations from the State Employees Association, SEIU local 1984, will be our guest to give us his take on state government and where we are headed.

As an FYI, we lost a great activist on November 18.  Lenore Ekwurtzel, who was an avid campaigner for Democratic candidates, most recently, Hillary Clinton, and a beloved member of our TriTown group, died November 18.  She will be missed by all. There was a Memorial Service Saturday, December 3, 2016, at St. John's United Methodist Church in Dover, N.H., followed by a reception in the church's fellowship hall.

As you prepare for the holidays, give some thankful and positive thoughts for Lenore.  Read about her life through her obituary at:
Warm Regards for a Happy Holiday Season

SCDC Website Launch-Like, Share, Vist Often

From SCDC:

"We are truly a grassroots organization, and we know how to make a little go a long way! That said, Strafford County is a uniquely important voting ground within the state, and New Hampshire is a key state in national elections. Because of this, every little bit matters. Donations and support can literally make a world of difference."  How you can help »

Tri Town Dems Meeting Thursday Nov 10th

Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, November 10, at 7:00 PM in the Emma Ramsey Center, Milton, NH. There will not be a guest speaker. The meeting is open and all are welcome to attend. We'll go over election results, talk about local upcoming events, make plans for the rest of 2016, and firm up some plans for 2017. See you there!

Tri Town Dems Meet Thursday, August 11th At 7pm Emma Ramsey Center

TriTown Democratic Committee
11 August 2016

Meeting Agenda

Call to Order

Presentation - Joe Casey, Candidate for NH Senate District 6, (@JoeCaseyNH), New CC Person Landon Webb

Secretary's Report

Treasurer's Report

Digital and Social Media Report   

Old Business
Farmington Hay Day
Attendance and Raffle items

Milton Pride Day
Attendance and Raffle items

Local Elections and Candidate Campaigns
Farmington - Sylvia Arcouette, Joe Casey, Andru Volinsky.
Milton - Larry Brown, John White, Mike Cryans

New Durham - Bob Perry (Strafford) and Ellen Phillips (ND), Joe Casey, Mike Cryans.

Other Old Business Items

New Business

Scheduling Upcoming Guest Speakers
August - Joe Casey, Candidate for Senate District #6
September -
October - Peter Miller, NEA - NH Eastern Region Uniserv Director
November -
December - Brian Hawkins,  SEA-SEIU Local 1984 Government Relations Coordinator

Strafford County Committee
Caroline French and Elise Britton resigned.  They will be looking for replacement for at large member and treasurer.

Other New Business Items

Upcoming Events

  • Hay Day August 20th
  • 2016 New Hampshire AFL-CIO Labor Day Breakfast Sept 5th 9-12
  • September 13th NH State Primary
  • Strafford County Candidates Forum, September 21, the Castle, Rochester
  • Fall Social, no date set yet.
  • Save the date-Walk a Mile for Racial Unity -Sat, Oct 1st at 10AM -Red Brick Church of Exeter
  • Apple Harvest Day, October 1, 2016 Dover, NH
  • Farmington Town Players/Farmington Community Band present “DaShow Must Go On”, a celebration of Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving with live music coupled a performance of “Thanks”.  Farmington Town Hall, 7:00 PM November 18 and 19.
  • Strafford County Winter Social, December 3, 2016. Just a social, but will have a donation bucket.

Next Meeting
Our next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, September 8, at 7:00 PM in the New Durham Library, New Durham, NH.


Meet & Greet For @JoeCaseyNH Monday, Augusr 8th 5-6:30 Rochester

 NH senate district 6 (Rochester, Farmington, New Durham, Alton, Barnstead, and Gilmanton).

The SEA political education committee is inviting you to attend an event with NH senate candidate Joe Casey (district 6) on Monday, August 8 at the Rochester Community Center.

The SEA has endorsed Joe, and this is a great opportunity to meet and learn more about him. This event is sponsored by SEA PAC, the SEA-NH/SEIU Local 1984’s Political Action Committee.

Please RSVP to

Learn about Joe Casey at

SCDC Summer Picnic Sunday Aug 7th, 12 to 3, Miller Farm

      The Strafford County Democratic Committee will once again be holding our Annual Picnic to raise funds for our efforts to elect Democratic candidates in Strafford County. Please join us for food and solidarity and to meet and hear from our local candidates.

Date; Sunday, August 7, 2016
Time: 12:00 -- 3:00 PM
Place: Miller Farm 51 Miller Road New Durham, NH

Tickets are only $20 per person, $15 for Students and $5 for kids under 12.

The money raised after expenses from our event will help pay for our mailings to all Strafford County Democrats and Undeclared voters. We will also be spending on voter registration efforts, handouts, and local candidate support via the City and Town Committees.

View the SCDC Facebook event:

 The preferred payment methods is by check which can be mailed to; Strafford County Democratic Committee, PO Box 247, Dover NH 03821.

Sponsor the picnic for just $100 or whatever you would like to donate. Sponsors will be posted on our appreciation board at the picnic, be posted on the Strafford County Democratic Committee website and sent to our email list. Sponsorships over $100 include 2 tickets. If you know of anyone that you think would be a sponsor please let us know!

Please email any questions to

Directions from the Southern part of the County to Miller Farm.

North on Spaulding Turnpike.

Take Exit 15 to Route 11 North

Travel Route 11 North about 13.5 miles.

Turn Right on Davis Crossing Road  (just past one of those historical highway markers)

Go NE on Davis Crossing Road approx. 1 mile

Take a left onto Old Bay Road and a nearly immediate (slight) right onto Ham Road.

Continue on Ham Road approx. 2 miles.

Take a slight right onto Birch Hill Road about 1/10 of a mile to Miller Road.

The Farm is on the right at # 51.

Directions from the Southern part of the County to Miller Farm.

North on Spaulding Turnpike.

Take Exit 15 to Route 11 North

Travel Route 11 North about 13.5 miles.

Turn Right on Davis Crossing Road  (just past one of those historical highway markers)

Go NE on Davis Crossing Road approx. 1 mile

Take a left onto Old Bay Road and a nearly immediate (slight) right onto Ham Road.

Continue on Ham Road approx. 2 miles.

Take a slight right onto Birch Hill Road about 1/10 of a mile to Miller Road.

Tri Town Dems Meeting Tonight 7 PM, Emma Ramsey Center

Tri Town Dems Meeting July 14, at 7:00 PM at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton

Tri-Town Democratic Committee
14 July 2016

Meeting Agenda

Call to Order
Presentation     None
Secretary's Report
Treasurer's Report
Digital and Social Media Report   

Old Business:

Hay Day/Milton Pride Day

Honors Dinner Committee Planning/Thank Yous


Other Old Business Items

New Business:

Schools, Budget Committees, Libraries
SCDC Picnic-Help, Food
NHDP Info & Initiatives Guest Peter
Guest Speakers: August Joe Casey, Oct Peter Miller, Dec Brian Hawkins
Social Media Vote

Upcoming Events:
·         Executive Council Candidate Andru Volinsky  Reception July 17th 3 PM · 18 Lakeshore Dr, Strafford
·         Nuns on the Bus rally Friday, July 22 in Concord 10am Living wage jobs, an end to homelessness, and public policies which uphold the dignity of all people are the focus of the rally Moose Mountain Area Democrats, Day Lilies and Democrats
·         Moose Mountain Area Democrats, Day Lilies and Democrats Saturday, July 16, 2016 4-7PM 195 Governor's Road Brookfield, NH
·         Black Lives Matter Manchester March #2 Sat July 16th 7 PM · Manchester
·         Democratic National Convention July 25th-28th
·         The Strafford County Democratic Committee will be holding its annual summer picnic on Sunday, Aug. 7, from noon to 3 p.m. Miller Farm

 Next Meeting    Our next scheduled meeting will be on, at 7:00 PM in Milton at the Emma Ramsey Center

Joe Casey Kickoff Tonight Thursday July 14th 6PM, New Durham

Reminder: Kickoff party is tonight Thursday July 14th at 6:00PM!

 State Senate District 6 Democratic candidate Joe Casey

The home of Rich Leonard
51 Miller Rd New Durham, NH 03855-2317

Suggested Donation: $30

$1,000 - Host
$500 - Sponsor
$250 - Supporter
$100 - Friend
$50 - Young Professional

RSVP online here, You may also call Cameron at (760) 613-5491

Checks can be made out to "Joe Casey for NH," or you can donate online through ActBlue. 

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, as well as keep up with the campaign online.

Thank you for your support, Joe Casey

2016 Democratic Party Platform Draft, Videos, Info

2016 Platform Draft, Videos of the meeting, and other general info about their efforts.

Video Platform Committee Hearing Day Two
Video Platform Committee Hearing Day One
Video Draft Hearing Day Two
Video Draft Hearing Day One

2016 Moose Mountain Area Democrats, Day Lilies & Democrats July 16th, 4-7PM, Brookfield NH

Moose Mountain Area Democrats, Day Lilies and Democrats 

Saturday, July 16, 2016
195 Governor's Road Brookfield, NH

 Democrats and Daylilies, the annual event for Moose Mountain Democrats, will be held on Saturday, July 16th, 2014 from 4-7 pm, at Martha Pike’s house, 195 Governor’s Rd Brookfield NH 03872. Many local, state and federal candidates will be on hand. A $10 contribution is suggested to help fund Democratic efforts in the Wakefield NH area

.@GovernorHassan Honors Marriage Equality Anniversary, Highlights Fighting For #LGBT Priorities


Governor Maggie Hassan Honors Marriage Equality Anniversary, Highlights Commitment to Fighting for LGBT Priorities in the Senate
Governor Hassan has Been a Strong Supporter of LGBT rights, While Kelly Ayotte has Fought to Move the LGBT Community Backward


  CONCORD - As Granite Staters celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month, Governor Maggie Hassan commemorated Sunday's one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states, and outlined key priorities for the LGBT community that she will fight for in the United States Senate.

"A year ago, the Supreme Court made marriage equality the law of the land, delivering a momentous victory for equal rights and inclusion in our nation. I believe strongly in the rights of all people to be fully included in our society, which is why I fought so hard to bring marriage equality to New Hampshire, and I’m proud of our state's leadership in advancing LGBT rights," said Governor Maggie Hassan. "Though we have made important progress, we were reminded by the tragic attack against the LGBT community in Orlando that we still have more work to do to fight for inclusiveness and to ensure that all LGBT Americans can live free from fear with the full dignity, respect and safety that they deserve."

As a State Senator, Governor Hassan led efforts to achieve marriage equality in New Hampshire, and as Governor, she worked to strengthen New Hampshire's marriage equality law to recognize out-of-state marriages and civil unions as of the date they were legally contracted. In 2015, Governor Hassan joined several other states in an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to make marriage equality the law of the land.

In the United States Senate, Governor Hassan will fight for policies to ensure that all citizens are fully included in our civic and economic life, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. She will work to pass the Equality Act, legislation that would provide explicit anti-discrimination protections for LGBT individuals in areas including employment, housing, access to credit and public accommodations.

The Governor will also fight any effort to undermine marriage equality. She will support an increase in critical funding to support prevention, treatment and research in order to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which disproportionately affects gay and bisexual men and transgender women. And she will stand against any efforts to prohibit capable, committed LGBT adults from adopting children.

Governor Hassan added, "In the United States Senate, I will fight to end discrimination against individuals in the LGBT community, stand against any efforts to roll back marriage equality and support critical efforts to combat HIV/AIDS. These priorities are essential to building an even stronger future where all people are fully included, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation."

Senator Kelly Ayotte, on the other hand, has been a staunch opponent of marriage equality and LGBT rights. In 2010, Ayotte called New Hampshire’s marriage equality law “unfortunate” and urged activists to try to repeal marriage equality. She also opposed the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and she has even opposed adoption rights for same-sex couples.

"Unfortunately, Senator Ayotte has stood against the rights of LGBT Americans, supporting policies that undermine who we are as an inclusive state and nation. Granite Staters deserve a Senator who will fight for inclusion and progress, and that is exactly what I will do in the Senate," Governor Hassan said.  

Friday, June 24, 2016
Contact: Aaron Jacobs or Meira Bernstein,

Another Successful Tri-Town Dems Honors Dinner-Photos & Video & Written Recap

We had brilliant weather for the evening of the dinner. The honorees and most guests arrived pretty early this year, but we were ready early, so we were really able to keep everyone happy throughout the evening. Along with our robust selection of delicious, homemade food, we had a special treat in store for all our guests, live music from the newly reestablished Farmington Community Band. This was the band's first public performance and they didn't disappoint. I think our team efforts left everyone attending feeling great. We loved that Carol Shea Porter took time out of her busy schedule for us to present the award to each honoree and add wonderful sentiments about each honoree and the importance of being involved in your community. It was an absolute joy honoring Manny Krasner, the Three Ponds Protective Association, and the New Durham Recreation Commission. Each exemplifies how a sense of community and teamwork can indeed change the world, even if it is just a small section of it. If you didn't get a chance to attend, watch the video below to hear each honoree speak. I really appreciate all the planning, prep, and hard work everyone put into the event. I hope we'll see even more of you next year! Kyle Leach-Chair Tri Town Democratic Committee.