Organizers/Donations Needed-SCDC Yard Sale-Saturday May 9th, 10-2

Dear Strafford County Democrat: 
1. Please find a large cardboard box, one that is sturdy and will hold a lot of things.
2. As you go around your house, your shed, your barn, your garage  etc., put things in the box that are interesting, in good condition and useful to someone.... but not you. 
3. Specifically these things can be new, elderly or antique. They can be tools, dishes, collectible items, jewelry, fancy hats, kitchen appliances and utensils, books, office supplies etc.
4. Think about putting small pieces of furniture like small tables, interesting chairs, lamps (floor and table), paintings and prints, picture frames, art, umbrella stands, fancy flower pots, lacy linens next to the box which is getting quite full by now. 
5. On or about May 1, bring what you have collected, old snowshoes, useful athletic equipment, lawn furniture to 23 Boston Harbor Rd., Dover Point NH to Caroline French's house, the site of the yard sale. This yard sale will benefit the Strafford County Democratic Committee — their projects, our candidates and your goals.
Come back and spend a few hours helping Caroline sort and price things May 1-8. PLEASE join the yard sale committee as a lead organizer…email Caroline below. If you have any sheets of old computer labels, please bring them for price stickers. 
Things not to bring: 
  • Leftovers from your own yard sale
  • Things that are broken and beyond repair
  • Clothes, except for shoes that are almost new and things like leather aviator jackets. New straw hats that you bought and thought you liked but don't would also work. The same goes for small luggage, purses, baskets and the like.
Then on Saturday, May 9, come back and help us run the best new  yard sale ever in Strafford County. We will have a grill and hotdogs. Sign on to bring chips, ice cream sandwiches and peanuts in the shell. This sale will run from 10 to 2 and a rope will be across the end of the driveway and there will be no early birds no matter what.
  • We also need worker bees after the sale at 2pm to help clean up and haul away. Our goal is to make enough money to help elect Democrats throughout all Strafford County in 2016!

Thanks ahead of time for helping to make this important fundraiser and recycling event successful.
Strafford County Democratic Committee Ex Com, 
Ann, Susan, Lorraine, Bill, Dennis, Paul, Gene, Mike, Elise, Caroline

Join The Conversation-Thursday 4-9-15 5:30-7pm Rochester Public Library

From NH Citizens Alliance:

NH Citizens Alliance is launching our second round of Community Conversations on the subject of NH's Budget featuring budget expert Jeff McLynch of NH Fiscal Policy Institute.

Up Coming Community Conversation : more towns to be confirmed soon!

Thursday 4/9/15 5:30-7pm Rochester Public Library, 65 South Main St. Rochester, upstairs meeting room

We want to hear from you! What are your concerns? What action can you take? Go to this link to let us know you are coming:

To set the stage and provide some critical background information, Jeff McLynch of the NH Fiscal Policy Institute will do a short presentation and be available to join the conversation. Jeff is very knowledgeable of the complexities of the NH Budget and the budget process so is an invaluable addition to the conversation, being able to answer many questions that we, as the general public, probably do not know.

We respectfully request that you pre-register for the event by going to this link:

The budget process for NH is underway. The Governor has proposed her budget. The NH House of Representatives has proposed their budget that most believe to be irresponsible to the people of NH. The budget process has now crossed over to the NH Senate. It is important that Granite Staters have some knowledge of this process, of the proposed cuts and know what action they may be able to take during this critical part of the cycle.

A petition was presented to the House on 4/1/15 with over 800 signatures. It is not too late to add your name: Petition Text: We call on members of the state House & Senate to pass a responsible, balanced budget that protects taxpayers without sacrificing the essential programs and services New Hampshire families and communities depend on for our health, safety, and quality of life.

Cut and paste this link to sign the petition!

Cut and paste this link to RSVP to the Rochester Community Conversation.

SCDC Countywide Meeting-April 15th, 7PM, Rochester Community Center



Join us on Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm at the Rochester Community Center for a special countywide meeting of the Strafford County Democratic Committee.  We will be holding an election for one open seat on the Executive Committee which was vacated this winter.  This position will only be until our biennial June Caucus when all seats on the Executive Committee will be up for re-election. 

We will also discuss city/town caucuses and upcoming events in the county. We hope to see you on the 15th!

If you have any questions regarding this open position, please contact the Executive Committee Chair at

Tri-Town Dems Meeting, Thursday, April 9th 7PM

Tri-Town Dems Meeting
 Thursday, April 9th 7PM
Emma Ramsey Center

Local Dems don't forget about our meeting tomorrow. We have much to discuss. The Tri-Dem election will happen, we'll work on honing the final details of the May Honors Dinner, and our other local advocacy plans will be discussed.