SCDC' Fall Celebration Presents Senator Bernie Sanders- Saturday, September 27th

Strafford County Democrats'
Fall Celebration
Senator Bernie Sanders
Saturday, September 27th 5-7pm
American Legion Hall
551 Foundry, Rollinsford 

Rich Leonard Receives Howard Dean's Endorsement from Democracy for America

New Hampshire Journal Features Endorsements

Rich Leonard at the Farmington Primary
Recently, Howard Dean's organization, Democracy for America endorsed Rich Leonard and 5 others in the Democratic State Senate Caucus .Senators Peggy Gilmour, Martha Fuller Clark, and David Watters, along with candidates Chris Muns, Lee Nyquist were all given the nod of approval from Democracy for America, The endorsement was part of their Purple to Blue endorsement series. The series aims to endorse Democratic candidates and legislators running in states that currently have a Republican majority in the legislature.

"It felt validating to have Dean's organization endorse me in my very competitive Senate Race" explains Rich, "Hopefully, this is beginning of more widespread Democratic support to come in the state for my race."

Rich has also receive the endorsement of the State Employees Association, a local of the Service Employees International Union, in the past.

Rich was active on Primary Day, visiting the poling places throughout District 6.  Even though there were only a few contested Democratic primaries, he felt it was important to meet the voters, and have support for other candidates in their local races.  Rich is very thankful to everyone who stood at a poll for the day holding one of his signs, and congratulates all local primary winners.

Polling in Rochester with Anne Grassie.
Polling in Rochester with candidate Sandy Keans
Links on the Web

Dean’s DFA backing six NH state Senate candidates as part of ‘Purple to Blue’ effort in NH Journal

2014 SEA/SEIU Local 1984 endorsed candidates

Image Credits:
Rich Leonard, personal collection


Tri-Town Democrats Meeting September 11th 2014

Tri-town Democrats
Meeting at Emma Ramsey Center, Milton
September 11, 2014

Call to order 7 PM Milton Chair, Ellen Kriete

Minutes of Previous meeting

Treasurer’s Report
Social Media and other Committee Reports
Letter writing committee

Old Business

Farmington Hay Day
Strafford County Picnic

New Business
Election Activity
Milton Pride Day
Strafford County Event
visibility events
phone banks/canvassing
yard signs

Communications between towns

Recruiting New Members?

Social activity/fundraiser for the spring or summer?

Next meeting:  Ooctober 9, 2014 in Milton (the Farmington Dems chair)


Mike Cryans For Executive Council

Please go to to learn about my campaign and stay connected.


I am running again for Executive Council.

I have been traveling around the district attending events from Colebrook to Laconia. I am not getting the press that I received in the March 11th race due to the many other races, but I have been in papers throughout the vast district. Last week I was in the Laconia Citizen and Bayside while I visited Laconia and Alton. The week before that there was coverage in the Valley News, and before that the Colebrook papers as well as the Berlin papers. The Conway Daily Sun ran my announcement.

The events are so different from this past winter including the Olde Home Day in Hebron, North Haverhill Fair, and parade in Franconia. This weekend I will be in Freedom for a parade, Canaan's Olde Home Day pancake breakfast, and Lincoln's 250th parade and next week as well as campaign day in Newport/Claremont, I will be in parades in Rumney and Alton.

Finally, I am running a road race in each county, and have four down already with the Colebrook half-marathon (Coos), Lebanon 4-miler (Grafton), Andover 5k (Merrimack) and Sunapee 5K (Sullivan). The next will be Gilford 5K in 3 weeks. This will leave Strafford and Carroll to complete one in each county.

I do apologize for the slowness in getting the website up and running. It should be done soon. You can still contribute on-line or you can wait until it gets up and running.



2014 New Durham NH Democratic Primary Ballot


When:  Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Time:  8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Place:  New Durham Elementary School Gymnasium

SCDC Event-Bernie Sanders Coming To Rollinsford Sept. 27th

Bernie Sanders is coming to the American Legion Hall in Rollinsford on September 27th! He'll be headlining our Annual Strafford County Celebration from 5 - 7pm. We urge you to buy your tickets early

Hearty hors d'oeuvres will be served and there will be a cash bar. We guarantee you will go home motivated to vote and ensure that NH becomes a BLUE state head to toe!