Right To Work(For Less) Pops Up Yet Again-NH Senate Vote SB217 Set For Thursday January 30th

From the SEA:

Right To Work for Less Just Won't Go Away

It wouldn’t be a NH legislative session if Right to Work (for less) wasn’t on the docket. The cookie cutter legislation that is so damaging to middle class working families came up again this week in the form of SB217, sponsored by Senator John Reagan, R-Deerfield.

Regrettably, earlier this week, the Senate Finance Committee backed the latest iteration of the bill after hearing familiar arguments from both sides of the always-controversial issue.

We are pleased and appreciate that Gov. Maggie Hassan expressed her opposition in a strongly-worded letter to the committee.

She wrote that a right to- work law would “undercut the fundamental right of employees to engage in collective bargaining with their employers and cause unnecessary economic harm to New Hampshire’s hard-working families.” The Bill will be voted on in the full Senate next Thursday, January 30. We urge all members to contact their state Senator and register your opposition to this bill that would be devastating to workers across the state. If you are unsure who your Senator is, follow this link to find out.

Contact Your NH Senator-HB591 NH Senate Vote Thursday, January 30th

HB591 is legislation that would help maintain a healthy work environment by prohibiting abuse of state employees in the workplace. The bill will make its way to the Senate floor Thursday, January 30th for a full Senate vote.

Please contact NH Senators.Tell them it is time to take bullying out of the workplace. If you are unsure who your Senator is follow this link to find out.

SOTU 2014-Video, Full Text

Strafford County Executive Committee Holds Special Election

Wednesday, January 15, 6:30 - 9:00 PM


The Strafford County Executive Committee will have a meeting and Special Election of two Strafford County Executive Committee members.  The election will fill the seats formerly occupied by Carole Appel and Dale Sprague, who resigned their positions on the committee.

All registered Democrats in the County are eleigble to vote in the election.

WhenWed January 15, 2014 from 6:30pm – 9:00 pm Eastern Time
WhereRochester Community Center, 150 Wakefield Street, Rochester NH, Conference Room #1 (map)
Mark your calendars and plan on attending.

Hope to see you at the meeting!

Links on the Web

To find out more about two of the candidates running to fill these positions, visit the Farmington Democrats on the web at www.FarmingtonNHDems.org.